for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists of all schools
picture: ©CG Jung Institute Zürich Image 076.CXAX, Property of CG Jung Institute Picture Archive
The Training is available to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and psychiatrists interested in studying or deepening the analytically oriented supervision process according to C.G. Jung. The Training consists of supervision training days, participation in an intervision group for supervisors, co-leadership in a supervision group and study of literature and is continuously reflected upon by the participants and adapted appropriate to new insights. Details can be found in the ‘Regulations for Training in Analytical Supervision’ (see the last pages of the ‘Curriculum for Instructors’).
Admission to the Training in Analytical Supervision is possible at the earliest three years after completion of a psychoanalytical/psychotherapeutical degree.
The Supervision Training Days can also be attended as a one-off event (7 credits per day). Two German and two English Supervision Training Days are offered each year. Each one contains theoretical and practical units, which can either be presented separately or intertwine during the day. The main focus is on Live Supervision, where personal professional experiences related to the specific topic of the day can be presented and worked on and will subsequently be discussed by all participants. The Live Supervision can take place as individual or as group supervision.
Psychoanalysts, Psychotherapists, Psychiatrists from all schools
Individual days bookable (ca. 7 Credits per day)
Please see detailed cost information on our program flyer.
Coming Supervision events:
Sonntag, 18. Mai 2025: deutscher Supervisionstag "Jungianisch Supervidieren - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der analytisch-psychologischen Theorie auf das supervisorische Feld" - Ralf T. Vogel, Prof. Dr. Phil.