Directory of Accredited Analysts, Psychotherapists and Instructors

Short description

The following persons are eligible for accreditation:

  • Psychoanalysts (A) graduated from the C.G. Jung-Institut Zurich

  • Graduated Analytical Psychotherapist (P) at the C.G. Jung-Institut Zurich

  • Specialists in psychiatry and psychotherapy with a further education in psychotherapy FMH (F) completed at the C.G. Jung-Institut Zurich

Instructor qualifications

The curricular requirements for instructors of the C.G. Jung Institute Zurich are regulated.


Complete Directory of Accredited Analysts, Psychotherapists and Instructors

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Directory of Swiss State (FOPH) recognized Accredited Analysts and Psychotherapists 

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Regulations for Instructors

Training Curriculum Psychoanalysis

Training Curriculum Psychotherapy