
Admission Committee

Ronald Bugge, lic. oec., chair

Appointment Committee

Kristina Schellinski, MA, chair

Research Committee

Arthur Funkhouser, Dr., chair

Program Committee

Director of Programs, academic fields chairmen, student representatives

Supervision Committee

Banz Bischoff Esther, lic. phil., chair

Ethics Committee

Silvia Dübendorfer Büchler, lic. phil.
Gerold Roth-Greminger, Dr. med.

Appeal Committee

Elizabeth Brodersen, PhD
Thomas Schneider, Dipl. Psych.


The Ombudsman of the C.G. Jung Institute Zurich can be contacted in case of conflicts or complaints between members of the Institute : students, accredited members, and employees.

Marianne Müller, Lic. iur.
George Dunne, dipl. analyt. psych

Academic Fields Chair

Ursina Faoro-Rupli, med. pract.Clinical subjects: Developmental Psychology, Psychodynamic Concepts of Mental Disorders, Psychopathology/Psychiatry, Practical Case, Diagnostics (projective, quantitative methods), training program for  Medical Doctors FMH

Marianne Meister-Notter,  Dr. phil.  
Analytical Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents

Christa Futscher, Mag. pharm.
Theory and Practice of Analytical Psychology, Fundamentals, Association Experiment / Theory of Complexes, Myths and Fairy Tales, Dreams, Pictures and Symbolic Material, Individuation Process, Special Practical Issues, Research Issues

Carl Möller, Dr. phil.
Interdisciplinary Subjects: Ethnology, History of Religion, Spirituality

Student Representatives

Elizabeth Leuenberger-Kajs
Julian Schneider
Lara Galiotta
Luigi Ramazio
Roger Amgwerd
Shana Celi

Members of the Patrons`Group

Daniel Baumann, dipl. Arch. ETH/SIA   
Teresa Castleman, MA
Daniel Hell, Prof. Dr. med.
Robert Hinshaw, Dr. phil.
Verena Kast, Prof. Dr.
Andreas Maercker, Prof. Dr. Dr.
Rudolf Niehus, Dr. med.
Irene Gerber-Münch, lic. phil.