Therapy and Counselling

C. G. Jung Institute's Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre for adults, children, and adolescents offers counselling to persons in distress or crisis, and refers them to diploma candidates of the Jung Institute for therapy and analysis. In a personal conversation we can find out together with the person who is looking for help or advice, which offer of therapy or support suits best.

For Adults

Jean-Jacques Faber lic. phil.
Phone: +41 44 914 1059

Jungian Counselling for affordable prices, also online

Kindly contact either the Counselling Service or go directly to the profiles of the students via the link mentioned below.

Students in training

For Children and Adolescents

Serena Pavlovic-Kuhn, Dipl. Analyt. Psych.
Phone: +41 44 914 1058